Athena in the Ancient AgoraThe journey starts from the Archaic Period, from the Agora of Athens destroyed by the Persian Wars. With the help of the goddess Athena, which rises from a rock, the spectators are transported into the Classical Period and see the buildings that have been erected in the Agora. Using the remote control, with which every seat is equipped, the spectators participate in the creation of the Poikile Stoa. Then, they follow the Panathenaea procession and take part in the vote of ostracism of 416 BC. In the Hellenistic Period they watch the construction of the Attalos Stoa, while the Monopteros (one aisled) temple is the starting point for reaching the Roman Period. Through the amphora, which was from the beginning the means for this time travel, the spectators return to the present day, to the diachronic values and the ideals that were born in the Ancient Agora and are part of world heritage.
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