Presentation of FHW’s publication "Sille of Iconium" The Foundation of the Hellenic World presented on Thursday 8th of December 2005, at 19.00 the book "Sille of Iconium" at Building 7 of the cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos (254 Pireos street, Tavros).
The book was prefaced by Professor Mr Evangelos Chrisos, General Secretary of the Foundation of the Hellenic Parliament regarding Parliamentary System and Democracy, while the book was presented by: Mr George T. Mavrogordatos, Professor of Political Science in the University of Athens Ms Ioanna Petropoulou, Historian, Centre of Asia Minor Studies Mr Alexios Savvidis, Professor of Byzantine and Medieval History in the University of the Aegean Mr Takis A. Salkitzoglou, Lawyer, Author.
Sille was a town with a history of centuries, which was 8 kilometres from the capital of Lycaonia, Iconium, but culturally belonged in Cappadocia. In the 19th century the population reached the 7,000 people. Sille, in spite of the many historical set backs managed to preserve its important Greek dialect, which is unique in the Greek speaking world. The town was famous for the intelligence of the hospitable and good-hearted people, many of whom distinguished themselves in commerce, for its impressive customs, and the interesting folklore events and for its intense Byzantine character.
The image of the caves, rock-cut churches and the ascetic cells of the Sille area, as they have been preserved until the present day, as well as the very few fragments from their frescoes, remind us of the corresponding churches in the valleys of Goreme and Soganli. Unfortunately, nowadays the destruction of those rock-cut sanctuaries and places of worship has been carried out to a large extend and is no longer reversible, since they are being used as warehouses, workshops and places where they keep animals.
In our country there is an increase in the publication of remarkable books and studies about Asia Minor. FHW wishes to contribute to this effort with the present book, which attempts to create the best and most accurate representation of the Greek town of Iconium.
FHW's book "Sille of Iconium: will be available both at central bookstores and at the Museum Shop of Hellenic Cosmos, the cultural centre of the Foundation of the Hellenic World.